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by Cornelia Funke

Inkspell, the sequel of the critically acclaimed international bestseller Inkheart, has everything you need. Drama! action! Betrayal!

Amelia Gray Is Almost Okay
by Jessica Brody

this book was good. My favorite reinvention of herself was Mellie, the journalist. I liked Finn and Maren too.

Jedi Academy - The Phantom Bully
by Jeffrey Brown

I thought this book was funny. I liked when Yoda introduced Lilly, and they were making sandwichs, and Lilly's was perfect, and Cronah was like, "She didn't use the ham.'

Babymouse Tales from the Locker: Miss Communication
by Jennifer L. Holm

I really liked this book. I thought it was funny when her parents let her get a phone, and then she dropped the remote. And when Babymouse showed Felicia the phone, she was like, "Oh you got the MINI. That's SO out of date."